Pour 4 parts
800 gr de courgettes
100 gr de poudre d'amande
80 gr de parmesan râpé
1 oeuf
Laver, essuyer et couper les courgettes dans le sens de la longueur pour en retirer le coeur plein de graines à jeter avec les extrémités.
Couper en deux dans la hauteur puis détailler en fines frites.
Préparer deux assiettes creuses ; une avec l'oeuf battu et une avec la moitié du mélange parmesan-poudre d'amande.
Passer les frites dans chaque assiette (oeuf, puis amande-parmesan) pour les paner.
Disposer les frites sur la plaque de cuisson couverte de papier parchemin ; cuire au four 40 minutes à 400F (190C).
À mi-cuisson, les retourner et saupoudrer du reste de parmesan-poudre d'amande avant de remettre au four.
Makes 4 servings
1 bunch (12 ounces) asparagus spears, ends trimmed
1 teaspoon olive oil
4 scrod or cod fillets (about 5 ounces each)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon dried dill weed
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
Preheat oven to 425F (200C)
Place asparagus in 13 x 9-inch baking dish, drizzle with oil ; roll asparagus to coat lightly with oil, push to edges of dish, staking asparagus into two layer.
Arrange fish fillets in center of baking dish, drizzle with lemon juice.
Combine dill weed, salt and pepper, sprinkle over fish and asparagus and sprinkle paprika.
Roast 15 to 17 minutes or until asparagus is crisp-tender and fish is opaque in center and begins to flake when tested with fork.
Per serving
Calories 147 Total fat 2g Carbs 4g Net carbs 2g Dietary fiber 2g Protein 27g.
Makes 4 servings
4 ounces ground beef
2 cups beef broth
1 bag (10 ounces) frozen chopped brocoli, thawed (fresh brocoli can be used)
¼ cup chopped onion
1 cup milk
1 cup (4 ounces) shredded sharp cheddar cheese
½ teaspoon dried oregano
Salt and black pepper
Hot pepper sauce
Brown beef in large saucepan over medium-high heat 6 to 8 minutes, stirring to break up meat ; drain fat, transfer beef to bowl.
Bring broth to a boil in the same saucepan over medium-high heat, add brocoli and onion ; cook 5 minutes or until brocoli is tender.
Stir in milk and beef ; cook and stir until mixture thickened and heated through.
Add cheese and oregano, stir until chesse is melted.
Season with salt, black pepper and hot pepper sauce.
Per serving
260 calories 16 g total fat 8 g carbs 6 g net carbs 2 g dietary fiber 19 g protein