lundi 28 février 2022

Aubergines à la provençale


                Elles peuvent se servir telles quelles chaudes ou froides ou peuvent accompagner une fricassée de poulet, du rôti de veau ou de porc, une omelette nature.

Pour 4 portions

  • 3 aubergines 
  • Gros sel
  • 1 kg tomates
  • Pincée de sucre, sel et poivre
  • Huile d'olive
  • 5 gousses d'ail
  • 30 ml persil haché
Préparation des aubergines
  1. Couper les aubergines non épluchées dans le sens de la longueur en tranches épaisses de 1 cm environ.
  2. Les mettre dans un plat ou sur une planche, les ciseler et les saupoudrer de gros sel pour leur faire rendre leur eau de végétation, pendant 30 minutes environ ; les éponger dans un linge, les frotter pour retirer le sel.
  3. Dans une poêle, chauffer de l'huile, y étaler les aubergines que l'huile doit recouvrir, les laisser rissoler jusqu'à ce que leur cuisson soit accomplie ; les retirer, les égoutter de toute l'huile de cuisson.
Préparation du concassé de tomates
  1. Éplucher les tomates, les épépiner, les concasser.
  2. Dans une poêle, les faire tomber à l'huile d'olive, puis les laisser réduire sur feu très modéré avec l'ail et le persil haché pendant 45 à 50 minutes.
  1. Ranger les aubergines dans un plat en terre et verser une couche épaisse de tomates concassées pour les couvrir.
  2. Réchauffer au four quelques instants dans le plat ou servir froid.
Vin suggéré : Rosé de Provence bien frais.


Toffied apple and banana (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 2 eating apples
  • 2 medium bananas, ripe but firm
  • 160 ml flour
  • 30 ml cornflour
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 ml salt
  • 2 ml bicarbonate of soda
  • 125-160 ml cold water
  • White sesame seeds
  • Iced water
  • Deep-frying oil
  • 500 ml sugar
  • 300 ml water
  1. Peel apples, remove cores and cut into medium-thick slices ; cut banana diagonally into 1" (1.25 cm) slices.
  2. Prepare a batter by mixing flour with cornflour, egg whites, salt, bicarbonate of soda and enough water to make a mixture of medium consistency ; beat well, then leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Prepared a large bowl of iced water with extra ice cubes, and place near the cooking area ; have a well-oiled plate and the sesame seeds in a bowl, ready near the iced water.
  1. Bring sugar and water to boil in a small saucepan ; stir until sugar dissolves, then reduce heat and simmer until it turns light golden and is beginning to toffee.
  2. Keep warm, but do not continue cooking.
  3. Heat deep oil to medium-hot.
  4. Dip apple and banana into the batter and deep-fry, several at a time, to a light golden brown ; lift out one by one and dip into the prepared toffee, then sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  5. Dip into iced water to harden toffee, then place on the oiled plate.
  6. When all are cooked, serve at once.

Fish ball and celery soup (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings 

  1. Mince fish fillets, then pound to a smooth paste in a mortar or blender ; season with marinade and stir in egg whites, water and cornflour ; knead to a smooth, slightly stiff paste.
  2. Form into balls by squeezing lumps of the paste from the hand, between curled thumb and forefinger ; scoop each ball with a spoon, and drop into cold water.
  1. Bring stock to the boil and season with soy sauce and pepper ; drop in drained fish balls and simmer on medium heat for about 20 minutes.
  2. Add sliced celery and simmer until just tender.
  3. Pour into a soup tureen and add seasonings to taste.

Garlic steaks (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 60 ml water
  • 30 ml dark soy sauce
  • 30 ml oyster sauce
  • 5 ml sugar
  1. Slice well-chilled steak across the grain into ¼" (1 cm) escalopes ; season with marinade and cornflour and leave for 45 minutes.
  2. Mix seasoning ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat oil in a wok and fry frained steaks with garlic for 30 seconds on each side on very high heat ; lift out.
  2. Fry shallots until softened ; pour in the seasonings with any remaining marinade and bring to the boil.
  3. Add beef, reduce heat and simmer until sauce thickens and meat is just cooked through ; it should ideally be very rare.
  4. Arrange steaks on a serving plate and add onion and garlic ; garnish with thinly sliced red chilli.

Chilli beef with vegetables (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 375 gr fillet or frying steak
  • 45 ml meat marinade (click here for recipe)
  • 10 ml cornflour
  • 2 ml bicarbonate of soda
  • 2 stalks celery, cut into matchstick pieces
  • 1 medium carrot, cut into matchstick pieces
  • 45 gr canned bamboo shoots, drained and cut into matchstick pieces
  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced
  • 125 gr fresh beanshoots, rinsed and drained
  • 90 gr long or green beans, cut into pieces the same length as the other vegetables
  • 3 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 60 ml vegetable oil
  • 30 ml dark soy sauce
  • 10 ml chilli sauce
  • 15 ml dry sherry
  • 5 ml sugar
  1. Slice well-chill beef very thinly across the grain, then into narrow strips ; season with marinade, cornflour and bocarbonate of soda and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Mix seasonings in a bowl.
  1. Parboil celery, carrots and beans in slightly salted water for 1 minute ; drain well.
  2. Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry drained beef on high heat until very well coloured and slightly dry ; lift out and set aside.
  3. Add vegetables, except beanshoots, and ginger and stir-fry for 2 minutes, then remove ; pour in seasoning  and any remaining marinade and return beef.
  4. Stir on high heat until the liquid dries up, then return vegetables with beanshoots ; continue to stir-fry until the dish is completely dry and the vegetables tender ; meat should be quite crisp.
  5. Serve with chilli sauce and garnish with cucumber slices.

dimanche 27 février 2022

Twice-cooked garlic pork (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings 

  • 625 gr pork tenderloin
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 whole star anise, lightly ground
  • 5 ml brown peppercorn, lightly ground (optional)
  • 5 ml five spices powder
  • 4 shallots or 1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
  • 8 cloces garlic, sliced
  • ½ each red and green pepper, cut into ¾" (2 cm)
  • 3 dried black mushrooms, soaked
  • 60 ml vegetable oil
  • 60 ml water
  • 2 ml chicken stock powder
  • 30 ml dark soy sauce
  • 30 ml Hoisin sauce
  • 10 ml dry sherry
  • 2 ml salt
  • 7 ml sugar
  • 5 ml sesame oil
  • 5 ml cornflour
  • Pinch of white pepper
  1. Place pork on a fireproof plate and rub in the 30 ml oil ; scatter on star anise, brown peppercorn and rub in the five spices powder.
  2. Squeeze water from mushrooms, remove stems and slice caps thinly.
  3. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Set pork over boiling water and steam for 30 minutes ; lift out and leave to cool, then cut into thin slices.
  2. Drop peppers into boiling water to blanch 20 seconds ; drain and splash with cold water to brighten color and drain again.
  3. Heat oil in a wok and stir fry garlic on medium-high heat for a few seconds ; add shallot and stir-fry for 1 minute.
  4. Add the sliced pork and stir-fry until well browned ; add peppers and mushrooms and stir over high heat for 1 minute.
  5. Pour in the sauce and bring to the boil ; simmer, stirring, until the sauce thickens and glazes the meat.
  6. Arrange sliced pork on a plate with peppers, shallots and mushrooms ; sprinkle with sesame oil and white pepper.

samedi 26 février 2022

Szechwan diced chicken (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 375 gr chicken, boneless and cut into ½" (1.25 cm) dice
  • 20 ml poultry marinade (click here for recipe)
  • 10 ml cornflour
  • 1 green pepper, cut in fine dice
  • 1 fresh red chilli, cut in fine dice
  • 6 dried black mushrooms, soaked
  • 90 gr canned bamboo shoots, drained and diced
  • 3 shallots or 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 60 ml vegetable oil
  • 60 ml water
  • 2 ml chicken stock powder
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 10 ml Worcester sauce
  • 30 ml Hoisin sauce
  • 5 ml chilli oil or chilli sauce
  • 10 ml dry sherry
  • 15 ml sugar
  • 5 ml sesame oil
  • 5 ml cornflour
  • Pinch of white pepper
  1. Season chicken with marinade and cornflour and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Squeeze the water from the mushrooms, remove stems, and cut into small dice.
  3. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry chicken with garlic until half cooked, about 2 minutes ; lift out and keep warm.
  2. Add vegetables  and stir-fry 2-3 minutes, then return chicken and pour in the sauce ; bring to the boil.
  3. Simmer, stirring constantly, until sauce thickens.
  4. Spoon onto a serving plate and sprinkle with sesame oil and white pepper ; garnish with shredded red or green chilli.

Szechwan chilli prawns (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 750 gr raw prawns, heads and shells removed
  • 45 ml cornflour
  • 3 shallots or 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 45 gr canned bamboo shoots, drained and finely chopped
  • 6 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • Deep-frying oil
  • 80 ml water
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 125 ml tomato sauce
  • 5 ml chilli oil or chilli sauce
  • 15 ml dry sherry
  • 5 ml cornflour
  • Pinch of salt and white pepper
  1. Slit down the center backs of the prawns, cutting almost through and remove dark veins ; rinse in cold water and pat dry with kitchen paper ; coat with cornflour and set aside.
  2. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat deep oil to very hot and reduce heat slightly.
  2. Drop in prawns and deep-fry for 1 minute ; remove and drain.
  3. Pour off all but 45 ml oil and stir-fry onion, bamboo shoots, ginger and garlic for 1 minute ; pour in the sauce and bring to the boil.
  4. Return prawns and simmer until sauce thickens and becomes clear, about 2 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle with sesame oil and finely chopped shallot.

jeudi 24 février 2022

Shangai noodles with beanshoots (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 750 gr thick fresh noodles
  • 125 gr pork tenderloin or chicken breast, cut into fine shreds
  • 15 ml poultry marinade (click here for recipes)
  • 125 gr raw baby shrimps, peeled
  • 10 ml cornflour
  • 2 ml salt
  • 1 ml white pepper
  • 185 gr fresh beanshoots, rinse
  • 2 stalks celery, cut into matchstick pieces
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 90 ml vegetable oil
  • 60 ml water
  • 5 ml chicken stock powder
  • 20 ml dark soy sauce
  • 15 ml dry sherry
  • 5 ml salt
  • 5 ml sugar
  • 1 ml white pepper
  • 5 ml sesame oil
  1. Soak noodles in boiling water for 10 minutes ; drain.
  2. Season the meat with marinade and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse shrimps, pat dry and season with cornflour, salt and pepper ; leave 7 minutes.
  4. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat 30 ml oil in a wok and stir-fry meat for 2 minutes ; remove and add shrimps and stir-fry until pink, about 1 minute and set aside.
  2. Add 15 ml more oil and fry beanshoots for 1 minute, then remove and add celery and garlic ; stir-fry until softened and remove.
  3. Wipe out the wok, add remaining oil and fry noodles, stirring until well coated with the oil and heated through ; pour on the sauce and mix well.
  4. Return meat, shrimps and vegetables and mix thoroughly ; heat through, stirring constantly.
  5. Serve.

mercredi 23 février 2022

Crisp fried pork chops (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 750 gr small lean pork chops
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 egg whites
  • 45 ml cornflour
  • 2 ml salt
  • Deep-frying oil
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 10 ml dry sherry
  • 5 ml white vinegar
  • 10 ml sugar
  • 5 ml five spices powder
  • Pinch of white pepper
  1. Trim chops and place in a dish ; mix seasonings and pour over the chops ; leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix garlic with lightly beaten egg whites, cornflour and salt ; pour over the chops and leave for a further 20 minutes, turning occasionally.
  1. Heat deep oil to very hot and deep-fry chops, several at a time, until dark brown and well crisped, about 3 minutes or longer if chops are large ; lift out and drain well.
  2. Re-fry briefly in very hot oil before serving.
  3. Cover a plate with shredded lettuce and arrange chops on top ; serve with a spicy salt dip (recipe below).
Spicy salt 
  • 60 ml salt
  • 5 ml five spices powder
  1. Pour salt into a dry wok and stir constantly on moderate heat until it takes on a light color.
  2. Remove from the heat and stir in five spices powder ; leave to cool.
  3. Pour into a screw-top jar to store ; shake well and use as needed.

Lion's head meatballs (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 750 gr minced lean pork
  • 125 gr transparent bean thread vermicelli
  • 250 gr spinach, remove stems
  • Shallow-frying oil
  • 30 ml dark soy sauce
  • 20 ml dry sherry
  • 8 slices fresh ginger
  • 3 shallots or 1 medium onion
  • 15 ml cornflour
  • 30 ml dark soy sauce
  • 30 ml Hoisin sauce
  • 5 ml salt
  • 10 ml sugar
  1. Grind minced pork in a large mortar or blender with the seasoning ingredients, until the mixture is smooth and lump-free.
  2. Form into several large meatballs, about 3" (8 cm) in diameter ; set aside.
  3. Soak vermicelli in warm water to soften.
  4. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat shallow oil (about 2" / 5 cm) in a wok and when very hot reduce heat slightly.
  2. Put in meatballs to fry until evenly coloured, turning carefully from time to time ; lift out and drain well.
  3. Pour off all but 45 ml oil and stir-fry vegetables for 1 minute ; arrange in the bottom of a casserole and top with the drained vermicelli ; place the meatballs on top.
  4. Pour in the sauce and add water or beef stock to half cover the meatballs.
  5. Cover the casserole and cook in a moderate oven for 45 minutes ; the liquid should be well absorbed into the meatballs and noodles.
  6. Serve in the casserole.

mardi 22 février 2022

Stir-fried seafood on crispy noodles (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 90 gr rice stick noodles
  • 250 gr frozen or fresh sea scallops
  • 125 gr frozen or fresh lobster meat 
  • 185 gr raw medium prawns, peeled
  • ½ green pepper, cut into long shreds
  • 1 shallot, cut into long shreds
  • 6 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 30 gr Chinese pickles or preserved Chow Chow, shredded
  • ½ fresh red chilli, minced
  • Deep-frying oil
  • 125 ml water
  • 5 ml chicken stock powder
  • 15 ml light soy sauce
  • 10 ml dry sherry
  • 2 ml sugar
  • 5 ml cornflour
  • Pinch of salt and white pepper
  1. Thaw and rinse frozen scallops and lobster, if used, cut into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Slit down center backs of prawns and remove dark vein ; rinse in cold water and cut each into three pieces.
  3. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat deep oil to very hot in a wok or saucepan and then reduce heat slightly ; drop handfuls of the broken rice stick noodles and cook for a few seconds until they expand and float to the surface. 
  2. Remove before they begin to color ; drain well and arrange on a serving plate.
  3. Drop seafood into the oil and deep-fry for 30 seconds, then remove and keep warm.
  4. Pour off all but 30 ml oil and stir-fry pepper, shallot and ginger for 1 minute ; return the seafood and stir-fry 30 seconds, then pour in the sauce and bring to the boil.
  5. Stir until sauce begins to clear, then add pickles or Chow Chow and chilli ; mix thoroughly and heat for few seconds.
  6. Spoon seafood over the noodles and garnish with parsley and sliced cucumber.

lundi 21 février 2022

Sliced beef with hot peppers (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 500 gr fillet or frying steak
  • 45 ml meat marinade (recipe below)
  • 10 ml cornflour
  • 3 shallots,minced or 1 medium onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 dried red chilli, cut into pieces
  • 1 piece dried tangerine peel or ½ orange peel, cut into pieces
  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 45 ml beef stock
  • 30 ml dark soy sauce
  • 15 ml dry sherry
  • 5 ml sugar
  • 5 ml sesame oil
  • 2 ml cornflour
  1. Slice well-chilled beef very thinly across the grain, then cut into narrow strips ; season with marinade and cornflour and leave for 45 minutes. (if using frying steak, pound with the blunt edge of a cleaver to tenderise).
  2. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat oil in a wok and when very hot stir-fry dried chillies and tangerine peel until they darken ; remove and set aside.
  2. Add drain beef and garlic and stir-fry on high heat for 2 minutes ; remove meat, then stir-fry shallot or onion for 1½ minutes.
  3. Return meat and pour in the sauce ; bring to the boil, stirring until the sauce thickens and become clear.
  4. Return chilli and tangerine peel and heat through.
  5. Garnish with chopped parsley and red chilli.
Meat marinade (Makes about 250 ml)

  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 45 ml water
  • 30 ml dry sherry
  • 30 ml light soy sauce
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 7 ml sesame oil
  • 5 ml salt
  • 10 ml sugar
  • 2 ml white pepper
  • 8 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  1. Measure ingredients into screw-top jar.
  2. Shake well and keep refrigerate until needed.


Sweet pork with green vegetables (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 1 kg pork shoulder or leg, boneless
  • 1 dried red chilli
  • 2 ml ground black pepper
  • 2 points star anise
  • 1½ liters water
  • 500 gr chinese cabbage
  • 60 ml dark soy sauce
  • 125 ml dry sherry
  • 45 ml honey
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • Pinch of white pepper
  1. Place the whole piece of pork in a saucepan and add chilli, black pepper, star anise and water.
  2. Wash cabbage and cut into 2" (5 cm) pieces.
  3. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Bring pork to boil, cover and simmer at low temperature for at least 1¼ hours.
  2. Drain off half the water and discard spices ; add sauce and return to the boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmered, covered, for about 2 hours, turning occasionally.
  4. Lift out and drain well, then slice thinly ; drop cabbage into the pan and simmer in the sauce for 2 minutes.
  5. Arrange cabbage in a deep serving bowl and place sliced pork on top ; pour some of the reserved sauce and served eztra sauce separately with steam white rice.

dimanche 20 février 2022

Sweet and sour duck with ginger (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 500 gr duckling pieces
  • 35 ml poultry marinade (recipe below)
  • 30 ml Hoisin sauce
  • 4 slices canned pineapple, drained and cut into wedges
  • 8 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 1 shallot, minced
  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 60 ml water
  • 2 ml chicken stock powder
  • 160 ml pineapple juice
  • 15 ml light soy sauce
  • 15 ml tomato paste
  • 20 ml white vinegar 
  • 15 ml sugar
  • 15 ml vegetable oil
  • 5 ml cornflour
  1. Place duckling pieces in a fireproof dish and season with marinade and Hoisin sauce.
  2. Mix sauce ingredients in a small saucepan.
  1. Set duckling in a steamer and cook over rapidly boiling water until tender, about 20 minutes ; lift out and leave to cool.
  2. Bring the sauce to the boil and simmer, stirring, until thickened.
  3. Chop duckling into bite-sized pieces.
  4. Heat oil in a wok and when very hot, stir-fry duck with shallot for 2 minutes ; add ginger and pineapple and stir-fry on high heat for 1 more minute.
  5. Pour in the sauce and return to the boil ; simmer until thickened and clear.
  6. Arrange the duck on a plate ; spoon on the sauce and surround with slices of pineapple topped with maraschino cherries.

Poultry marinade
  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 45 ml dry sherry
  • 5 ml salt
  • 15 ml sugar
  • 2 ml white pepper
  • 4 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  1. Measure ingredients into a screw-top jar ; shake well and keep refrigerated until needed.

Asparagus fish rolls (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 625 gr fillets of flounder, whiting or bream
  • 2 ml salt
  • Pinch of white pepper
  • 12 spears canned asparagus, drained
  • 125 ml cornflour
  • 2 egg whites
  • 500 ml white breadcrumbs
  • Deep-frying oil
  1. Cut fillets in 12 pieces, each about 5" x 1½" (12 cm x 4 cm) ; season with salt and pepper.
  2. Cut asparagus in halves.
  3. Wrap each strip of fish around two pieces of asparagus and secure with toothpicks ; coat thickly with cornflour and leave for about 5 minutes.
  4. Lightly beat egg whites and brush over the fish rolls, then coat generously with breadcrumbs.
  1. Heat deep oil to hot in a wok or saucepan.
  2. Reduce heat slightly and put in fish rolls, several at a time to keep oil hot ; deep-fry for about 1½ minutes, then lift out and drain.
  3. Before serving, reheat the oil and briefly re-fry the fish rolls until the surface is crisp and golden.
  4. Place on paper napkins and surround with sliced cucumber ; serve with small dishes of light soy sauce and spicy salt.

Soft-fried noodles with beef and vegetables (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 4 bundles (about 150 gr / 5 oz) thin egg noodles
  • 250 gr frying steak, cut into thinly strips
  • 45 ml meat marinade (recipe below)
  • 10 ml cornflour
  • 90 gr fresh beanshoots, rinsed and drained
  • 60 gr long or green beans, cut into 2 inches (5 cm) lengths
  • 1 small carrot, cut into matchstick pieces
  • 1 stalk celery, cut into matchstick pieces
  • 1 small onion, thinly sliced
  • 3 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 75 ml vegetable oil
  • 125 ml beef stock
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 10 ml dry sherry
  • 2 ml sugar
  • 5 ml sesame oil
  • 7 ml cornflour
  • Pinch of salt and white pepper
  1. Drop noodles into boiling water to soften, remove from heat ; leave until bundles can be pulled apart, about 10 minutes, and drain well.
  2. Place beef strips in a bowl with meat marinade and cornflour, mix well nd leave for 45 minutes.
  3. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat 30 ml vegetable oil in a wok and fry noodles until slightly crisped on the underside ; cut into four sections and turn to fry the other side, adding an additional 15 ml of oil.
  2. When crisped, lift onto a serving plate and keep warm.
  3. Add remaining oil, heat the wok to very hot and stir-fry drained beef with ginger for 2 minutes ; remove.
  4. Add vegetables and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then pour in the sauce and any remaining marinade and bring to the boil ; reduce heat and simmer, covered, until vegetables have softened, but remain some crispness.
  5. Return meat and heat through.
  6. Pour meat and vegetables with the sauce over the noodles, and garnish plate with sprigs of fresh coriander.

Meat marinade (Makes about 250 ml)

  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 45 ml water
  • 30 ml dry sherry
  • 30 ml light soy sauce
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 7 ml sesame oil
  • 5 ml salt
  • 10 ml sugar
  • 2 ml white pepper
  • 8 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  1. Measure ingredients into screw-top jar.
  2. Shake well and keep refrigerate until needed.


Beef with chinese pickles and pineapple (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 375 gr fillet or frying steak
  • 30 ml meat marinade (recipe below)
  • 10 ml cornflour
  • 2 shallots, cut into 1 inch (2.5 cm) pieces
  • 8 slices fresh ginger, thinly sliced
  • ½ red chilli, minced
  • 30 gr Chow Chow or Chinese pickles, shredded
  • 90 gr canned pineapple chunks, drained
  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 60 ml beef stock
  • 45 ml pineapple juice
  • 5 ml cornflour
  1. Sliced well-chilled beef thinly across the grain, then cut into ¾ inch (2 cm) strips ; place in a bowl, add meat marinade and cornflour, mix well and leave for 45 minutes.
  2. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat oil in a wok and fry drain beef until the color changes, about 2 minutes ; add shallot, ginger and chilli and stir-fry for 30 seconds more.
  2. Add sauce and reserved marinade and stir-fry until the sauce thickens ; check seasonings.
  3. Add shredded Chow Chow or pickles and pineapple chunks and heat through.
  4. Surround with wedges of pineapple and sprigs of fresh parsley or coriander.
Meat marinade (Makes about 250 ml)

  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 45 ml water
  • 30 ml dry sherry
  • 30 ml light soy sauce
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 7 ml sesame oil
  • 5 ml salt
  • 10 ml sugar
  • 2 ml white pepper
  • 8 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  1. Measure ingredients into screw-top jar.
  2. Shake well and keep refrigerate until needed.


samedi 19 février 2022

Seasoned leg of lamb (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 2-2½ kg leg of lamb
  • 5 slices fresh ginger
  • 1 small onion
  • 30 ml dark soy sauce
  • 15 ml dry sherry
  • 1 whole star anise
  • 1 small piece of cinnamon bark
  • 750 gr trimmed leeks, cut into 1inch (2.5 cm) diagonal slices
  • 60 ml water
  • 60 ml dark soy sauce
  • 30 ml Hoisin sauce
  • 20 ml dry sherry
  • 45 ml sugar
  • 10 ml sesame oil
  1. Place lamb leg in a large pot and add ginger, onion, dark soy sauce, sherry and spices ; cover with cold water.
  2. Mix sauce ingredients in small saucepan.
  1. Bring lamb stock to boil over high heat, cover and reduce heat to medium-low ; simmer for 2 hours, or until meat is very tender.
  2. Lift out and drain well ; bring the sauce to a boil and remove from heat.
  3. Boil leeks for 1 minute in salted water ; drain.
  4. Place lamb in a waterproof casserole and pour on the sauce ; cover and braise for about 15 minutes, turning once.
  5. Add leeks and continue to cook on medium heat until they are tender ; turn meat from time to time and stir leeks.
  6. Add a little reserved stock if the sauce dries up.
  7. Cut meat into paper thin slices and return to the sauce briefly ; arrange the sliced meat, overlapped, on a serving plate.
  8. Serve with Mandarin pancakes, Hoisin or plum sauce and the braised leeks.

Sweet and sour pork with pineapple (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 500 gr pork tenderloin
  • 2 egg whites
  • 30 ml cornflour
  • 30 ml water
  • Pinch of salt and bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 large onion, cut into ¾ inch (2 cm) squares
  • 1 green pepper, cut into ¾ inch (2 cm) squares
  • 1 fresh red chilli, minced
  • 1 fresh pineapple, cut into small cubes
  • Deep-frying oil
  • 60 ml water
  • 125 ml pineapple juice
  • 15 ml tomato sauce
  • 5 ml Chinese plum sauce
  • 15 ml white vinegar
  • 10 ml sugar
  • ¼ fresh red chilli, minced
  • 3 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 10 ml cornflour
  • 15 ml vegetable oil
  1. Cut pork into 1 inch (2.5 cm) cubes.
  2. Place in a bowl with egg whites, cornflour, water, salt and bicarbonate of soda ; mix well and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Set the pineapple shells on a serving plate and surround with shredded lettuce or cabbage ; set aside.
  4. Mix sauce ingredients in a small saucepan.
  1. Bring sauce to a boil. reduce heat and simmer for 4-5 minutes ; keep warm.
  2. Heat deep oil in a large wok and when very hot, reduce heat slightly and deep-fry pork for 3 minutes ; drain and leave to cool.
  3. Blanch onion and green pepper in boiling water for 20 seconds ; drain and splash with cold water and drain well.
  4. Reheat oil and fry pork for a second time until lightly browned, with surface well crisped ; drain well.
  5. Place onion and green peppers in a strainer and deep-fry for a few seconds ; drain.
  6. Pour off all but 30 ml oil and return meat to the pan with onion, green peppers, chilli and pineapple cubes ; stir-fry for 1 minute, then pour in the sauce and bring to the boil.
  7. Spoon pork, vegetables and sauce into the pineapple shells ; garnish with parley or mint.

jeudi 17 février 2022

Lemon chicken (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 1½ kg spring chicken, cut in halves
  • 30 ml poultry marinade (recipe below)
  • 125 ml cornflour
  • 125 ml plain flour
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 ml salt
  • 5 ml bicarbonate of soda
  • Deep-frying oil
  • 180 ml water
  • 5 ml chicken stock powder
  • 80 ml lemon juice
  • 15 ml vegetable oil
  • 10 ml white vinegar
  • 90 gr sugar
  • 5 ml sesame oil
  • 15 ml cornflour
  1. Rub the two halves with marinade and leave 15 minutes ; if desired, the chicken can be cut into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Mix cornflour, flour, beaten eggs, salt and bicarbonate of soda, adding enough cold water to make a batter of coating consistency.
  3. Mix sauce ingredients in a small saucepan.
  1. Bring sauce to the boil, stirring constantly, and simmer until slightly thickened and beginning to clear, about 5 minutes ; remove from the heat.
  2. Heat deep oil to very hot in a large wok, then reduce heat lightly.
  3. Coat the chicken pieces, thickly with the batter and deep-fry half at a time, until surface is crisp and golden and meat cooked through, about 3 minutes for chicken pieces ; lift out and drain well.
  4. Cook remaining chicken pieces.
  5. Arrange chicken on a plate and garnish with thinly sliced lemon ; reheat the sauce and pour over the chicken just before serving, or take separately to the table.

Poultry marinade
  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 45 ml dry sherry
  • 5 ml salt
  • 15 ml sugar
  • 2 ml white pepper
  • 4 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  1. Measure ingredients into a screw-top jar ; shake well and keep refrigerated until needed.

mercredi 16 février 2022

Braised beef with beancurd and vegetables (Chinese cooking for Australians)


For 4 servings

  • 500 gr lean frying steak, cut into bite-sized cubes
  • 35 ml meat marinade (recipe below)
  • 7 ml cornflour
  • 5 ml sesame oil
  • 6 dried black mushrooms, soaked
  • 90 gr canned bamboo shoots, drained and sliced
  • 60 gr frozen green peas, green beans or snowpeas
  • 60 gr canned button mushrooms, drained
  • 1 medium carrot, sliced
  • 1 large onion, cut into ¾ inch (2 cm) squares
  • 3cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • ½ fresh red chilli
  • 10 cubes fried beancurd
  • 60 ml vegetable oil
  • 250 ml water
  • 5 ml chicken stock powder
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 30 ml oyster sauce
  • 5 ml white vinegar
  • 10 ml sugar
  • 5 ml sesame oil
  • 7 ml cornflour
  • Pinch of white pepper
  1. Season the meat with meat marinade, cornflour and sesame oil and leave for 45 minutes.
  2. Squeeze water from black mushrooms, remove stems and slice.
  3. Cut beans, if used, into 1½ inch (4 cm) pieces and drop into boiling water to parboil for 1 minute ; if using frozen peas thaw in boiling water and drain, or if using snowpeas, remove string and rinse.
  4. Cut large button mushrooms in kalves, horizontally.
  5. Mix sauce ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Heat oil in a wok and fry beancurd cubes on moderate heat for 2-3 minutes ; remove and drain.
  2. Add garlic and fry briefly, then add drained beefand stir-fry on high heat for 2 minutes ; remove and keep warm.
  3. Stir-fry vegetables for 2 minutes, then pour in the sauce ; bring to a boil, return meat and beancurd, cover and braise on moderate heat until the sauce thickens and meat, beancurd and vegetables are tender.
  4. Garnish with finely chopped coriander and shallot.
Meat marinade (Makes about 250 ml)
  • 45 ml vegetable oil
  • 45 ml water
  • 30 ml dry sherry
  • 30 ml light soy sauce
  • 15 ml dark soy sauce
  • 7 ml sesame oil
  • 5 ml salt
  • 10 ml sugar
  • 2 ml white pepper
  • 8 slices fresh ginger, minced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  1. Measure ingredients into screw-top jar.
  2. Shake well and keep refrigerate until needed.