mercredi 5 février 2025

Nouilles au Porc à l'Aigre-Douce


Pour 4 portions

  • 15 ml ketchup
  • 45 ml cassonade
  • 30 ml vinaigre de vin
  • 175 gr nouilles chinoises aux oeufs
  • 30 ml huile de sésame
  • 375 gr viande de porc maigre, coupée en lanières
  • 1 morceau de 2.5 cm de gingembre frais, pelé et haché
  • 1 gousse d'ail, hachée
  • 125 gr pois mange-tout, coupés en deux dans le sens de la longueur
  • 1 grosse carotte, coupée en bâtonnets
  • 175 gr germes de soja
  • 200 gr pousses de bambou en boîte, égouttées
  1. Mettre le ketchup, la cassonade et le vinaigre dans une petite casserole et faire chauffer 2 à 3 minutes à feu doux pour faire fondre le sucre, puis réserver.
  2. Faire cuire les nouilles en suivant les instructions du paquet, puis les égoutter et les réserver.
  3. Faire chauffer l'huile de sésame dans un wok ou une grande poêle ; faire cuire le porc à feu vif pendant 2 à 3 minutes jusqu'à ce qu'il commence à dorer, puis ajouter le gingembre, l'ail, les pois mange-tout et la carotte.
  4. Faire sauter 2 minutes de plus, puis ajouter les germes de soja et les pousses de bambou ; faire sauter 1 minute pour les faire chauffer.
  5. Ajouter les nouilles chaudes et égouttées, ainsi que la sauce ; remuer à l'aide de deux cuillères pour bien mélanger les ingrédients.
  6. Servir dans des bols chauds.

mardi 4 février 2025

Calmars à la Mayonnaise Citronée


Pour  4 portions 

  • 500 gr calmars nettoyés
  • 90 ml farine
  • 15 ml paprika
  • Pincée de piment de Cayenne
  • Huile d'olive, pour frire
  • Sel et poivre
Mayonnaise aux herbes et au citron
  • 200 ml mayonnaise
  • 2 ml moutarde de Dijon
  • 15 ml jus de citron
  • 15 ml persil plat, haché
  • 15 ml cerfeuil, haché
  • 15 ml ciboulette, hachée
  • 30 ml cresson, haché
  • Zeste finement râpé de 1 citron
  • 1 gousse d'ail, hachée
  1. Dans un petit bol, mélanger les ingrédients de la mayonnaise, couvrir et placer au réfrigérateur.
  2. Laver les calmars et les éponger avec du papier absorbant ; couper les corps en anneaux de 2 cm de large.
  3. Mélanger la farine, le paprika et le piment de Cayenne ; saler et poivrer.
  4. Placer la farine dans un sac en plastique, ajouter les anneaux de calmars et les tentacules ; secouer bien pour les enrober de farine.
  5. Faire chauffer l'huile dans une grande poêle à 350F (180C).
  6. Prélever un tiers du contenu du sac ; plonger les calmars dans l'huile et faire frire 2 à 3 minutes.
  7. Les retirer à l'aide d'une écumoire et les placer sur du papier absorbant ; réserver au chaud pendant que vous faites frire le reste des calmars.
  8. Disposer les calmars dans 4 petits bols, parsemer de persil haché et servir avec des quartiers de citron et la mayonnaise au citron et aux herbes.

Muffins Anglais à la Saucisse et au Ketchup


Pour 4 personnes

  • 500 gr saucisses fraîches, par exemple des chipolatas
  • 15 ml romarin frais, haché
  • 45 ml persil frais, haché
  • 15 ml miel
  • 5 ml vinaigre
  • 4 oeufs
  • 2 muffins anglais, coupés en deux
  • 1 boîte de 14 oz (398 ml) tomates concassées
  • 30 ml sirop d'érable
  • 15 ml cassonade
  • 45 ml vinaigre de vin
  1. Mettre les ingrédients du ketchup dans une petite casserole et porter à ébullition ; baisser le feu et faire réduire la sauce pendant 5 à 7 minutes à découvert en remuant de temps en temps.
  2. Mixer la sauce au robot ; mettre le ketchup dans un récipient et laisser refroidir. (Elle se conserve 2 semaines au réfrigérateur.)
  3. Inciser les saucisses dans le sens de la longueur et retirer l'enveloppe.
  4. Mettre la chair dans un bol avec les herbes et le miel et bien mélanger ; former 8 petites boulettes et les aplatir légèrement entre vos mains humides.
  5. Les faire cuire sous un gril préchauffé pendant 10 à 12 minutes en les retournant une fois jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient dorées.
  6. Pendant ce temps, remplir une poêle d'eau à mi-hauteur ; ajouter le vinaigre et porter à ébullition.
  7. Baisser le feu et laisser chauffer l'eau à frémissement ; casser les oeufs et les ajouter dans l'eau en les séparant bien les uns des autres.
  8. Les faire cuire 1 minute jusqu'à ce que le blanc soit opaque ; les retirer de l'eau avec une écumoire et les réserver au chaud.
  9. Faire griller les muffins ; disposer les muffins grillés sur quatre assiettes et les recouvrir de deux boulettes de viande chacun, d'un oeuf poché et de 15 ml de ketchup.

lundi 3 février 2025

Tajine d'agneau (à la mijoteuse)


Mijoteuse de 4 litres ou plus (4 à 6 portions)

  • 30 ml huile végétale
  • 1 kg agneau désossé, en cubes de 2.5 cm
  • 4 panais, en dés
  • 2 patates douces, pelées et coupées en dés
  • 1 oignon, haché finement
  • 4 gousses d'ail, hachées finement
  • 15 ml poudre de cari
  • 2 ml cumin moulu
  • 2 ml piment de la Jamaïque
  • 250 ml bouillon de boeuf
  • 360 ml tomates en dés en conserve, avec leur jus
  • 1 bâton de cannelle de 8 cm
  • 2 ml flocons de piment
  • 30 ml beurre d'arachide croquant
  • Sel
  • Couscous, cuit et chaud
  • Coriandre ou persil frais, haché
  1. Dans une grande poêle antiadhésive, à feu moyen-vif, chauffer 15 ml d'huile végétale et cuire l'agneau pendant 4 minutes ou jusqu'à ce qu'il soit doré sur toutes les faces. (Procéder par étapes si la poêle n'est pas assez grande et ajouter de l'huile végétale au besoin.)
  2. À l'aide d'une cuillère à égoutter, mettre la viande dans la cocotte de la mijoteuse et laisser le gras dans la poêle.
  3. Dans la même poêle, à feu moyen-doux, faire sauter les panais, les patates et l'oignon environ 4 minutes ou jusqu'à ce qu'ils commencent à devenir tendres ; ajouter l'ail, le cari, le cumin et le piment de la Jamaïque et faire sauter environ 1 minute ou jusqu'à ce que les légumes soient bien enrobés d'épices.
  4. À l'aide d'une cuillère à égoutter, mettre la préparation dans la cocotte de la mijoteuse.
  5. Verser le bouillon et porter à ébullition en déglaçant la poêle ; verser sur la viande et les légumes ; ajouter les tomates et leur jus, la cannelle et les flocons de piment.
  6. Couvrir et cuire à basse température de 6 à 8 heures ou à température élevée de 3 à 4 heures, jusqu'à ce que la viande soit tendre et la préparation soit bouillonnante.
  7. Jeter le bâton de cannelle ; incorporer le beurre d'arachide, bien mélanger et saler au goût.
  8. Servir le couscous dans une grande assiette ; couvrir avec la préparation d'agneau et de légumes et garnir de coriandre au goût.

Chicken with Lemon and Garlic


                    Extremely easy to cook and delicious to eat, tis succulent tapas dish makes a great last-minute starter and tastes even better served with some home-made aioli.

Serves 4

  • 225 gr skinless chicken breast fillets
  • 30 ml olive oil
  • 1 shallot, finely chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 5 ml paprika
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 30 ml chopped fresh parsley
  • Salt and ground black pepper
  • Flat leaf parsley, to garnish
  • Lemon wedges, to serve
  1. Sandwich the chicken breast fillets between two sheets of clear film or baking parchment ; bat out with a rolling pin or meat mallet until the fillets are about 5 mm thick.
  2. Cut the chicken into strips about 1 cm wide.
  3. Heat the oil in a large frying pan ; stir-fry the chicken strips with the shallots, garlic and paprika over a high heat for about 3 minutes until light browned and cooked through.
  4. Add the lemon juice and parsley with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Serve with lemon wedges, garnished with flat leaf parsley.

samedi 1 février 2025

Jarrets d'Agneau à l'Orange et aux Olives (à la mijoteuse)


Mijoteuse de 4 litres ou plus (4 à 6 portions)

  • 60 ml farine tout usage
  • 5 ml sel
  • 2 ml poivre noir du moulin
  • 2 kg jarrets d'agneau entiers ou en grosses tranches bien charnues
  • 30 ml huile d'olive
  • 4 gousses d'ail, émincées
  • 1 gros oignon rouge, haché finement
  • 15 ml romarin séché
  • 250 ml sauce tomate
  • 125 ml vin blanc sec
  • 125 ml bouillon de poulet
  • Zeste râpé et jus de 1 orange navel
  • 125 ml olives kalamata
  1. Dans une assiette, mélanger le farine, le sel et le poivre ; fariner légèrement la viande et secouer pour enlever l'excédent, réserver le reste de la farine.
  2. Dans une grande poêle antiadhésive, à feu moyen-vif, chauffer 15 ml d'huile d'olive et cuire la viande de 10 à 15 minutes ou jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit dorée. (Procéder par étapes si la poêle n'est pas assez grande et ajouter de l'huile d'olive au besoin.)
  3. À l'aide d'une pince, mettre la viande dans la cocotte de la mijoteuse et laisser le gras dans la poêle.
  4. Dans la même poêle, à feu moyen, faire sauter l'ail et l'oignon avec le romarin environ 2 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que l'ail soit tendre ; verser la sauce, le vin blanc, le bouillon et le jus d'orange, cuire en remuant jusqu'à épaississement et verser sur la viande.
  5. Couvrir et cuire à basse température de 10 à 12 heures ou à température élevée de 5 à 6 heures, jusqu'à ce que la viande se détache de l'os ; éteindre la mijoteuse et laisser reposer pendant 10 minutes.
  6. Servir dans une grande assiette chaude et garnir de zeste d'orange et d'olives.

Ragoût de Boeuf aux Panais et au Fenouil (à la mijoteuse)

Mijoteuse de 4 litres ou plus (6 à 8 portions)
  • 45 ml farine tout-usage
  • 5 ml sel
  • 5 ml poivre noir du moulin
  • 1 kg boeuf en cubes de 2.5 cm
  • 30 ml huile végétale
  • 6 petites pommes de terre nouvelles, coupées en deux ou en quatre
  • 2 panais, en morceaux de 2.5 à 5 cm
  • 1 bulbe de fenouil, en quartiers de 1 cm
  • 250 ml oignons, hachés
  • 250 ml bouillon de boeuf
  • 125 ml vin rouge sec
  • 250 ml sauce à pizza en conserve
  • 4 gousses d'ail, émincées
  • 5 ml romarin séché, émietté
  • 250 gr jeunes épinards
  1. Dans un sac de plastique résistant, mélanger la farine, le sel et la moitié du poivre ; en procédant par étapes, mélanger la viande avec la farine, jeter le reste de la farine.
  2. Dans une grande poêle antiadhésive, à feu moyen-vif, chauffer 15 ml d'huile végétale ; cuire la viande pendant 5 minutes ou jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit dorée sur toutes les faces. (Procéder par étapes si la poêle n'est pas assez grande et ajouter de l'huile au besoin.)
  3. À l'aide d'une cuillère à égoutter, mettre la viande dans la cocotte de la mijoteuse ; ajouter les pommes de terre, les panais, le fenouil et les oignons.
  4. Dans un bol, mélanger le bouillon, le vin rouge, la sauce à pizza, l'ail, le romarin et le reste du poivre ; verser sur la viande.
  5. Couvrir et cuire à basse température de 8 à 10 heures ou à température élevée de 4 à 5 heures, jusqu'à ce que le ragoût soit bouillonnant ; ajouter les épinards juste avant de servir.

vendredi 31 janvier 2025

Chicken and Brocoli Pasta Bake

                    A healthy, quick and easy family meal, this hearty bake combines ready-cooked chicken and whole wheat pasta in a cheesy sauce. Including little brocoli florets is a great way to encourage children to enjoy this super-nourishing vegetable as part of their daily diet.

Serves 4

  • 250 gr whole wheat penne or other pasta shapes
  • 250 gr brocoli, cut into small florets and slice the stalks
  • 2 leeks, trimmed and sliced
  • 4 cooked skinless boneless chicken breasts
  • 500 ml 1% milk
  • 60 ml cornstarch
  • 250 ml grated aged cheese, such as gouda, smoked cheddar or old cheddar
  • 12 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 60 ml grated Parmesan cheese
  • 5 ml dried oregano
  • 60 ml dried whole wheat breadcrumbs
  1. Preheat the oven to 375F (190C).
  2. Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling water for 10-12 minutes or according to the package instructions, until tender ; add the brocoli and the leeks to the pasta for the last 5 minutes or so of cooking.
  3. When just tender, drain well, reserving about 250 ml of the cooking water.
  4. Tip the pasta and vegetables into a large ovenproof dish ; skin the chicken and cut into small chunks and add to the dish.
  5. Blend a little of the milk with the cornstarch to a paste in a cup.
  6. Heat the remaining milk and reserved cooking water in the same pot until on the point of boiling ; pour about 250 ml onto the cornstarch paste and stir well, then pour this into the simmering milky water and stir briskly with a wooden spoon until it thickens.
  7. Remove the pot from the heat and mix in the mature cheese ; season to taste.
  8. Pour the sauce over the pasta, stirring gently with a fork ; nestle the tomato halves into the mixture, then sprinkle the Parmesan, oregano and breadcrumbs.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes until bubbling and crispy on top ; serve hot.

mercredi 29 janvier 2025

Lemon and Coconut Dhal


                    A warm and spicy dish with tangy lemon and coconut flavours, this can be served as a dip with warmed pita bread or as an accompaniment to cold meat.

Serves 8

  • 5 cm piece fresh root ginger, peeled and finely chopped
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 small red chillies, seeded and finely chopped
  • 30 ml sunflower oil
  • 5 ml cumin seeds, plus extra to garnish
  • 150 gr red lentils
  • 250 ml water
  • 15 ml hot curry paste
  • 200 ml coconut cream
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 25 gr sliced almonds
  • Salt and ground black pepper
  1. Heat the sunflower oil in a large, shallow pan ; add the ginger, onion, garlic, chillies and cumin.
  2. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the onion is softened but not colored.
  3. Stir in the lentils, water and curry paste into the pan ; bring to the boil, cover and cook gently over low heat for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the lentils are just tender and not yet broken up.
  4. Stir in all but 30 ml of the coconut cream ; bring to the boil and cook, uncovered, for a further 15-20 minutes, until the mixture is thick and pulpy.
  5. Off the heat, stir in the lemon juice ; season to taste.
  6. Heat a large frying pan and cook the sliced almonds for one or two minutes on each side until golden brown ; stir about three-quarters of toasted almonds into the dhal.
  7. Transfer the dhal to a serving bowl ; swirl in the remaining coconut cream and scatter the reserved almonds on top with the cumin seeds.
  8. Serve warm.

mardi 28 janvier 2025

Crab and Shrimp Cakes


                    Homemade fish cakes are always a special treat. They are the ultimate all-in-one dish, as they contain fish, potato and vegetables. These can be made ahead and chilled, ready to bake when you need them.

Serves 4

  • 500 gr potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 30 ml low-fat ricotta cheese
  • 125 gr peeled shrimp, thawed if frozen
  • 170 gr can white crabmeat, well drained
  • 2 scallions, chopped
  • Tabasco, to taste
  • 125 gr spinach
  • 4 large tomatoes
  • 1 lemon, cut into four wedges
Breadcrumb coating
  • 60 ml whole wheat flour
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 160 ml dried whole wheat breadcrumbs
  • 5 ml dried thyme or oregano
  • 30 ml olive oil, warmed
  1. Cook the potatoes in a pot of boiling water for 12-15 minutes until tender.
  2. Drain and return to the pot over the heat to dry out a little, then mash until smooth ; beat in the ricotta, season and set aside to cool completely.
  3. Pat the shrimp dry with paper towel, then chop coarsely ; mix with the crab, chopped scallions and Tabasco.
  4. Put the spinach in a covered bowl with ust the rinsing water clinging to the leaves ; cook in the microwave until just wilted.
  5. Cool, then sqeeze dry and chop roughly ; mix the potato with the seafood and spinach, chill for 30 minutes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 375F (190C).
  7. Shape the seafood mixture into four large cakes, dipping your hands in a little flour if necessary.
  8. Put the flour in a shallow bowl, the beaten egg in another shallow bowl and the breadcrumbs mixed with the dried herbs in a third.
  9. Coat the fish cakes evenly first in flour, then in beaten egg and, finally, in the crumbs.
  10. Halve the tomatoes and place around the fish cakes on a baking tray ; season and sprinkle with any leftover crumbs.
  11. Brush the fish cakes with the warmed oil, then bake for 20 minutes until they are crisp and the tomatoes soft ; allow to stand for 3-4 minutes before serving.
  12. Serve with lemon wedges.

lundi 27 janvier 2025

Rice Salad with Shrimp


                    A colourful, crunchy vegetable salad tossed in a tastebud-tingling, Asian-style dressing, this dish gives a great vitamin boost. Soy sauce is high in salt, so no extra seasoning is needed for the dressing.

Serves 4

  • 1 red pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced
  • 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced
  • 1 orange pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced
  • 4 cups bean sprouts
  • 6 scallions, thinly sliced
  • Half English cucumber, julienned
  • 250 gr cooked, peeled jumbo shrimp
  • 450 ml cooked long-grain white rice
  • 15 ml sesame seeds, toasted
Sweet chili dressing
  • 30 ml salt-reduced soy sauce
  • 15 ml sesame oil
  • 15 ml canola oil
  • 30 ml sherry vinegar or rice vinegar
  • 15 ml sweet chili sauce or 1 red chili pepper, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 15 ml honey
  • 15 gr fresh ginger, peeled and finely grated
  1. First make the dressing, put all the ingredients for the dressing into a large salad bowl and whisk together to combine.
  2. Just before serving, add all the salad ingredients, apart from the sesame seeds.
  3. Toss everything together to coat in the dressing, then sprinkle the sesame seeds on top.
  4. Serve at once.

Golden Parmesan Chicken (Appetizers)

                    Served cold with the garlicky mayonnaise, these morsels of Parmesan-coated chicken make a great appetizer, especially if served informally as finger food.

Serves 4
  • 4 chicken breast fillets, skinned
  • 75 gr fresh white breadcrumbs
  • 40 gr Parmesan cheese, finely grated
  • 30 ml chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 120 ml mayonnaise
  • 120 ml low-fat cream cheese
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 50 gr butter, melted
  • Salt and ground black pepper
  1. Cut each fillet into four or five chunks.
  2. Mix together the breadcrumbs, Parmesan, parsley and seasonning in a shallow dish.
  3. Dip the chicken pieces in the egg, then into the breadcrumb mixture ; place in a single layer on a baking sheet, chill for 30 minutes.
  4. To make the garlic mayonnaise, mix together the mayonnaise, creamcheese and garlic, and season to taste ; spoon into a small serving bowl, chill.
  5. Preheat the oven to 350F (180C).
  6. Drizzle the melted butter over the chicken pieces and cook them for about 20 minutes, until crisp and golden.
  7. Serve the chicken accompanied by the garlic mayonnaise for dipping.

Lamb with Feta and Mint


                    This Greek-style dish is simple to cook but wonderfully flavoured. It combines lamb fillets with colourful vegetables, feta and fresh mint, perfect for entertaining.

Serves 4

  • 4 lamb fillets, trimmed of all excess fat
  • 60 ml olive oil
  • 300 gr new potatoes, scrubbed and thinly sliced
  • 1 large zucchini, sliced
  • 1 red onion, sliced
  • 2 red peppers, deseeded and sliced
  • 8 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 80 ml red wine vinegar
  • 70 gr feta cheese, drained
  • 30 gr fresh mint, finely shredded
  1. Heat a large frying pan with a tight-fitting lid over a medium heat.
  2. Brush the lamb fillets on one side with a little of the oil ; add the fillets to the pan, oiled-side down, and fry 3-4 minutes until nicely browned.
  3. Lightly brush the lamb fillets with a little more oil, then flip them over and continue frying for a further 1 minute ; transfer the lamb fillets to a plate and set aside.
  4. Add 15 ml of the oil to the pan and heat ; add the potatoes and fry, turning occasionally, for 5 minutes or until golden and the start to soften.
  5. Add another 15 ml of oil to the pan ; add the zucchini, onion, peppers and garlic and continue frying, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until all the vefetables are tender.
  6. Meanwhile, mix the remaining oil with the vinegar in a small bowl.
  7. Return the lamb fillets to the pan, placing them on top of the vegetables, and pour the oil and vinegar mixture ; crumble the feta cheese over the top.
  8. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with the lid and cook for about 5 minutes for medium-rare or 7 minutes for medium.
  9. Uncover the pan and scatter the mint over the top ; season with freshly ground black pepper to taste.
  10. Serve at once, straight from the pan, with a drizzling of the pan juices.
Each serving : 30.5 g protein, 25 g fat, 15 g carbohydrate, 5 g fibre, 420 Calories.


jeudi 23 janvier 2025

Warm Tuna, Pasta and Parsley Salad


                    This is a simple and delicious pasta dish that is just as good served hot as it is cold. It makes a great lunch for friends because you can make it a day in advance, so you can relax and enjoy the company.

Serves 4-6

  • 250 gr cherry tomatoes
  • 1 large red onion, cut into wedges
  • 2 garlic cloves, sliced
  • 60 ml pine nuts
  • 15 ml olive oil
  • 300 gr penne or other pasta shapes
  • 2½ cans (170 grams each) tuna in water, drained
  • 199 ml can corn kernels, drained and rinsed
  • 125 ml chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 80 ml olive oil
  • 10 ml whole-grain mustard
  • 15 ml bottled capers, rinsed and roughly chopped
  1. Preheat the oven to 350F (180C).
  2. Line a baking tray with baking parchment and lay out the cherry tomatoes, onion, garlic and pine nuts ; drizzle everything ith the oil, season to taste and gently toss together.
  3. Roast for 15-20 minutes or until the tomatoes are softened and the pine nuts are lightly broned ; remove from the oven and set aside.
  4. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling water according to the package instructions until tender.
  5. To make the dressing, combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix together thoroughly.
  6. Once the pasta is cooked, strain in a colander, then return to the pot ; add the roasted tomato mixture, tuna, corn, parsley and dressing to the pasta and mix gently, without breaking up the tomatoes too much.
Each serving : 21 g protein, 19.5 g fat, 34 g carbohydrate, 4.5 g fibre, 404 Calories.


mercredi 22 janvier 2025

Spicy Cod with Chickpeas and Spinach


                    Succulent chunks of creamy cod, gently cooked in an aromatic, slightly spicy sauce with a colourful mix of vegetables and chickpeas, makes a satisfying, nutrient-rich meal. If you like, serve with French bread.

Serves 4

  • 30 ml olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 green chili pepper, deseeded and finely chopped 
  • 2 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 40 gr fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 6 green cardamom pods, crushed and pods discarded
  • 5 ml ground tumeric
  • 500 ml fish or vegetable stock
  • 398 ml can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 500 gr tomatoes, peeled and quartered
  • 250 ml frozen peas
  • 600 gr skinless thick cod steaks, cut into chunks
  • 250 gr baby spinach leaves
  1. Heat the oil in a large, deep frying pan.
  2. Add the onion, chili pepper, carrots, celery, ginger, garlic and cardamom seeds ; stir well, then cover the pan and cook over a medium heat for 5 minutes or until the onion are slightly softened.
  3. Stir in the tumeric, then pour in the stock and bring to a boil ; reduce the het, cover and simmer 10 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
  4. Add the chickpeas, tomatoes, peas and fish ; mix gently, taking care not to break up the fish.
  5. Bring back to a simmer.
  6. When the stock is bubbling gently, pile the spinach on top and cover the pan ; cook for 5 minutes or until the chunks of fish are white and firm, and the spinach has just wilted.
  7. Use a fork to combine the spinach gently with the fish and vegetables.
  8. Laddle the mixture into shallow bowls and serve at once.
Each serving : 38.5 g protein, 12 g fat, 23.5 g carbohydrate, 12.5 g fibre, 380 Calories.


mardi 21 janvier 2025

Steak and Kidney Pie


                    This is a ligther version of the delicious traditional pie. The richly flavoured casserole filling is mixed with sweet root vegetables and the herbed pastry is made with vegetable shortening.

Serves 4-6


  • 250 gr lean stewing beef, cubed
  • 100 gr beef kidney, cut into small pieces
  • 10 ml vegetable oil
  • 2 leeks, trimmed and sliced
  • 200 gr rutabaga, peeled and cubed
  • 175 gr carrots, peeled and thickly sliced
  • 10 ml plain flour
  • 375 ml beef stock
  • 2 small slices whole wheat bread
  • 250 ml self-rising flour
  • 2 ml dried thyme
  • 100 gr vegetable shortening, cut into small pieces
  • 45 to 75 ml cold water
  1. Heat a non-stick frying pan over a high heat.
  2. Add the beef and fry, stirring occasionally, for 4 minutes until browned on all sides ; transfer to a bowl, add the kidney and set aside.
  3. Heat the oil in the pan, then add the leeks ; stir, then cover and cook gently for 4 minutes until starting to soften.
  4. Stir in the rutabaga and carrots, cover and cook for a furter 4 minutes until lightly browned ; add the beef and kidney, season to taste, then add the flour and toss well to coat.
  5. Pour in the stock and bring to a boil, stirring ; simmer for 2 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and set aside.
  1. Tear the bread into small pieces and put into a food processor ; pulse until fine crumbs are formed.
  2. Add the flour, thyme and vegetable shortening and season ith a little salt and pepper.
  3. Pulse again to combine, then, with the motor running, pour enough of the cold water to form a soft dough.
The pie
  1. On a lightly floured surface, roll out three-quarters of the dough, to a circle large enough to line a 1-liter pie basin ; line the basin carefully, then fill with the steak and kidney mixture.
  2. Trim the excess pastry ; roll out the remaining pastry to form a lid, wet the edges of the dough and place on top of the filling, sealing the edges well with your fingers.
  3. Cover the basin with a double thickness of foil, pleated in the middle and secure with a string ; steam the pie over simmering water for 3 hours.
  4. Serve the pie hot.
Each serving : 17 g protein, 19 g fat, 27 g carbohydrate, 4 g fibre, 357 Calories.


lundi 20 janvier 2025

Shrimp and Spinah Biryani


                    A fragrantly spiced pilaf-style dish that doesn't take much more effort than ordering takeout, yet is much healthier as it is lower in fat. Serve with refreshing raita to complete the meal.

Serves 4

  • 398 ml can chopped tomatoes
  • 30 ml canola oil
  • 1 large onion, halved and thinly sliced
  • 1 red chili pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced
  • 15 gr fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped
  • 15 ml ground cumin
  • 15 ml ground coriander 
  • 5 ml ground tumeric
  • 2 ml ground nutmeg
  • 250 ml basmati rice, rinsed
  • Pinch of sugar
  • 1.5 liter baby spinach leaves, roughly torn
  • 250 gr peeled raw shrimp, thawed if frozen
  1. Drain the tomatoes in a sieve over a heatproof measuring cup, then set aside ; bring a kettle of water to a boil.
  2. Heat the oil in a large flameproof casserole dish over a medium heat ; add the onion, chili and ginger and stir for 3 minutes.
  3. Stir in the cumin, coriander, tumeric and nutmeg and continue stirring until the onion is softened.
  4. Add the rice and drained tomatoes to the casserole dish and stir to mix ith the spices ; add enough boiling water to the reserved tomato juice to make up to 500 ml.
  5. Stir this liquid into the rice with the sugar and pinch of salt, then bring to a boil.
  6. Reduce the heat to low, cover tightly and leave the rice to cook without lifting the lid for 10-12 minutes until all the liquid has been absorbed, the rice grains are tender and tiny holes appear on the surface.
  7. Stir in the spinach, as much as you can at a time, adding more as each addition wilts ; when all the spinach has been added, lay the shrimp on top, re-cover the casserole dish and turn down the heat to very low.
  8. Cook for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave to stand for 1 minute, without lifting the lid, by which time the spinach will have wilted further and the shrimp will have cooked through.
  9. Gently fork together to combine the rice, spinach and shrimp ; serve immediately.
Each serving : 20 g protein, 11.5 g fat, 47 g carbohydrate, 5.5 g fibre, 260 Calories.


samedi 18 janvier 2025

South American Beef and Pepper Soup


                    This main meal soup is sure to appeal to the heartiest of appetites. Lean pieces of beef are simmered slowly in a rich, spicy tomato and red pepper broth that s studded with golden corn and creamy lima beans. Serve with warm tortillas to complete the meal.

Serves 4 

  • 50 gr chorizo sausage, skinned and diced
  • 500 gr lean stewing beef, cut into 1 cm strips (or chicken thigh meat)
  • 796 ml can chopped tomatoes
  • 125 gr chargrilled red pepper, drained and thinly sliced
  • 500 ml water
  • Half a 796 ml can lima beans, drained and rinsed
  • 500 ml frozen corn kernels
  • 5 ml dried oregano
  • 5 ml paprika
  • 30 ml roughly chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  1. Fry the chorizo in a heavy pot or flameproof casserole dish over a medium heat for about 5 minutes until some of the fat is released and the chorizo is slightly crispy ; using a slotted spoon, transfer the chorizo to a bowl, leaving the flavoured oil in the pot.
  2. Return the pot to the heat and add the beef ; cook, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes until evenly browned.
  3. Return the chorizo to the pot with the tomatoes and their juice, peppers and water ; bring to a boil, then stir in the lima beans, corn, oregano and paprika.
  4. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer over a low heat for 30 minutes until the beef is tender.
  5. Season to taste and serve scattered with parsley.
Each serving : 37 g protein, 9.5 g fat, 33 g carbohydrate, 10 g fibre, 381 Calories.


Spicy Chicken Soup


                    Chicken soup is often credited with being a panacea for all kinds of ills, and this version, with its warming Indian spices and vibrant colour, should perk up anyone. Serve with whole wheat chappatis or nan bread.

Serves 4

  • 30 ml canola oil
  • 2 onions, finely chopped
  • 2 large garlic cloves, minced
  • 5 ml ground coriander
  • 5 ml ground cumin
  • 1 ml cayenne pepper, or to taste
  • 1 ml ground cloves
  • 1 ml ground ginger
  • 1 ml ground turmeric
  • 1 liter chicken or vegetable stock
  • Half a 796 ml can chopped tomatoes
  • 500 gr skinless boneless chicken breasts, cut into 5 mm strips
  • 250 gr green beans, trimmed and cut into small pieces
  • 540 ml can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 30 ml chopped cilantro
  • 80 ml low-fat plain yogourt
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • Sprigs of cilantro
  1. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pot or flameproof casserole dish over a medium heat.
  2. Add the onions and fry for 3 minutes, stirring ; add the garlic and continue stirring for about 2 minutes longer until the onions are softened, but not brown.
  3. Reduce the heat slightly and stir in the spices ; continue stirring over a gentle heat for a few minutes so the spices release their aroma, take care not to let the mixture burn.
  4. Stir in the stock and tomatoes with their juice, increase the heat and bring to a boil ; then reduce the heat to a gentle simmer.
  5. Add the chicken, beans and chickpeas to the pot, bring back to a boil, then reduce the heat, cover and leave the soup to cook gently for about 10 minutes until the chicken is cooked through and the beans are just tender.
  6. Stir in the chopped cilantro and season to taste.
  7. Laddle the soup into individual bowls, then add a dollop of yogourt to each serving, sprinkle with a little cayenne and garnish with cilantro sprigs.
Each serving : 39 g protein, 19 g fat, 25 g carbohydrate, 9 g fibre, 441 Calories.


vendredi 17 janvier 2025

Lamb Tagine with Dried Fruit


                    An aromatic North African-style casserole, richly flavoured with dried fruits and warml spiced with ginger and cinnamon. The sweetness of the honey tempers the fiery harissa, and chickpeas add high-fibre carbohydrate to the dish.

Serves 4

  • 30 ml olive oil
  • 500 gr lean boneless lamb (such as leg), cubed
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 ml saffron threads
  • 500 ml vegetable stock, hot
  • 15 ml tomato paste
  • 1 orange, zest cut into strips
  • 2 ml ground ginger
  • 5 ml cinnamon
  • 2 ml ground coriander
  • 2 ml harissa, or to taste
  • 15 ml honey
  • 16 pickling onions or small shallots, peeled
  • 160 ml pitted dried dates
  • 250 ml dried apricots
  • 2 x 398 ml cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 30 ml chopped walnuts
  1. Heat the oil in a large, deep saucepan or flameproof casserole dish.
  2. Add the lamb and fry until lightly browned ; push the meat to one side and add the chopped onion to the pan.
  3. Fry for 5-10 minutes, stirring frequently, until golden.
  4. Stir the saffron into the hot stock, then pour into the pan ; add the tomato paste, strips of orange zest and spices.
  5. Stir well, then bring to a boil ; reduce the heat, cover and leave to simmer gently for 1½ hours.
  6. Uncover the pan and take out 250 ml of the sauce ; stir the harissa and honey into the reserved sauce, then stir the mixture back into the pan.
  7. Add the pickling onions or shallots, dates, apricots and chickpeas and mix ; simmer gently, uncovered, for a further 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Season to taste and scatter the chopped walnuts over the top, then serve.
  9. Put an extra harissa on the table for those who like more heat.
Each serving : 40 g protein, 21.5 g fat, 67 g carbohydrate, 17 g fibre, 650 Calories.


mercredi 15 janvier 2025

Creole-Style Chicken and Shrimp Gumbo


                    From the deep south comes this piquant gumbo with rice, chicken, shrimp and vegetables, a cross between a soup and a stew, a feast in a bowl.

Serves 4

  • 100 gr chorizo sausage, skinned and finely diced
  • 30 ml canola oil
  • 45 ml all-purpose flour
  • 2 celery stalks, finely chopped, leaves reserve for garnish
  • 2 onions, finely chopped
  • 2 green peppers, deseeded and chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • Half a 796 ml can chopped tomatoes (no added salt)
  • 1 liter chicken or vegetable stock
  • 200 gr okra, thinly sliced
  • 30 ml chopped fresh parsley
  • 5 ml dried thyme
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 250 ml basmati and wild rice, rinsed
  • 3 skinless boneless chicken thighs
  • 250 gr peeled large raw shrimp
  1. Put the chorizo in the base of a heavy-based pot or flameproof casserole dish over a medium heat.
  2. Fry, stirring frequently, until it has rendered some fat and is crisp at the edges ; drain on paper towel and set aside.
  3. Add the oil to the sausage fat remaining in the pot ; reduce heat to low and sprinkle in the flour, stirring constantly, until well blended.
  4. Cook very gently, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes until the mixture turns a rich brown.
  5. Increase the heat slightly, stir in the celery, onions, green peppers and garlic and continue frying, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes or until soft.
  6. Add the tomatoes with their juice, the stock, okra, parsley, thyme, bay leaf and cayenne pepper ; bring to a boil, then reduce the heat, half cover the pot and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring frequently, until the okra thickens the soup.
  7. While the soup is simmering, cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces.
  8. Increase the heat and bring the liquid to a boil ; stir in the rice, then reduce the heat to low, add the chicken and simmer for 15-20 minutes until the rice is tender and the chicken is cooked through.
  9. Pour a little extra stock if needed.
  10. Add the shrimp and reserved chorizo and simmer for 1 minute or until the shrimp turn pink and the sausage is heated through.
  11. Remove the bay leaf, season to taste and ladle into bowls ; garnish with the reserved celery leaves.
Each serving : 43 g protein, 22.5 g fat, 61 g carbohydrate, 7 g fibre, 633 Calories.


mardi 14 janvier 2025

Spaghetti with Scallops, Asparagus and Swiss Chard


                    This is a sophisticated dish, combining pasta with a stir-fry of creamy white scallops and vibrant green vegetables. You can make this dish using fresh spinach leaves, instead the Swiss chard, washed and torn into large pieces.

Serves 4

  • 300 gr spaghetti
  • 15 ml olive oil
  • 350 gr scallops, quartered if large
  • 200 gr asparagus, trimmed and cut into 3 cm lengths
  • 2 ml grated fresh ginger
  • ½ lemon, zested and juiced
  • 250 gr Swiss chard leaves, coarsely shredded
  • 80 ml water
  1. Cook the spaghetti in a large pot of lightly salted boiling water for 10-12 minutes, or according to the package instructions, until tender ; when ready, drain in a colander.
  2. While the pasta is cooking, heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan over a high heat.
  3. Add the scallops in a single layer and cook, turning occasionally, for about 3 minutes or until lightly golden and almost cooked through ; transfer the scallops to a plate, using a slotted spoon, and keep warm.
  4. Add the asparagus to the wok with the ginger and lemon zest ; cook, stirring frequently, for about 4 minutes until starting to soften.
  5. Add the Swiss chard leaves to the wok and lightly toss to mix well ; pour in the water, cover the wok and cook for about 5 minutes until the Swiss chard is wilted and the asparagus is tender.
  6. Return the scallops to the wok with the lemon juice and season to taste.
  7. Add the spaghetti to the wok and gently toss to mix with the scallops and asparagus ; serve at once.
Each serving : 19 g protein, 8 g fat, 44.5 g carbohydrate, 6 g fibre, 338 Calories.


lundi 13 janvier 2025

Lemon Barley Pilaf with Chicken


                    Barley is a much underrated and seldom-used grain, which is a great shame since it has a pleasing flavour and texture as well as being a good source of fibre. Here it is cooked with a medley of vegetables in a lemon and thyme stock. The addition of cooked chicken turns the dish into a great main course.

Serves 4

  • 15 ml olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 375 ml pearl barley
  • 625 ml chicken stock, hot
  • 15 ml chopped fresh thyme or 5 ml dried thyme
  • 1 lemon, zest grated and juiced
  • 250 ml frozen peas
  • 400 gr skinned roasted chicken breast, shredded
  • 50 gr arugula
  1. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pot over a medium heat ; stir in the onion, carrots, celery and garlic, and cook gently for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened but not browned.
  2. Stir in the barley and cook for 1 minute longer, pour in the stock and bring to a boil ; add the thyme and lemon zest.
  3. Reduce the heat to very low, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes or until the barley is almost soft.
  4. Add the peas, re-cover and simmer for a further 4-5 minutes until the barley is soft but not mushy and all the stock is absorbed ; stir in the lemon juice and season to taste.
  5. Add the chicken pieces and arugula to the pot and lightly toss together ; serve at once.
Each serving : 37 g protein, 14 g fat, 54 g carbohydrate, 12 g fibre, 517 Calories.