jeudi 14 janvier 2021

Curry powder


     Curry powders are a combination of the particular spices of an area.

Makes about 250 ml 

  • 6-8 dried red chillies
  • 120 ml coriander seeds
  • 60 ml cumin seeds
  • 10 ml fenugreek seeds
  • 10 ml black mustard seeds
  • 10 ml blck peppercorns
  • 15 ml groung turmeric
  • 5 ml ground ginger
  1. Remove the stalks and seeds from the chillies, unless you like a fiery mixture, in wich case leave a few seeds in the pods.
  2. Roast or dry-fry the chillies, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, mustard seeds and black peppercorns in a dry heavy-based pan over a medium heat until they begin to brown and give off a rich aroma ; shake the pan frequently so that the spices are evenly roasted.
  3. Grind the roasted spices to a powder in a mortar or coffee grinder, then stir in the turmeric and ginger.

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